3rd Haitian Art Exhibition – Vibrant Streets of Haiti


The Massachusetts School of Psychology is hosting the 3rd Haitian art exhibition. The Vibrant Streets of Haiti features some 36 artworks from Jacmel artists and New England artists. May 3-June 14, 1 Wells Ave, Newton.

The collaboration between Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachussetts (HAAM) and the Haitian Mental Health Network, has produced some unexpected outcomes: older artists have become mentors and teachers, and art supplies are being shipped to children in Ile-à-Vache.


Quick note: Art prices have been revisited for quick sales during May, Haitian Heritage Month.  Your contribution to the effort–art purchase, donations of supplies, hosting shows– helps support these outcomes. Thank you again for your past or present involvement.

For more information please contact Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts (617-306-6400; 617-669-0038)


The University Hospital of Mirebalais: The Back Story


Please join us June 5th & 6th – Haiti Funders Conference